We are rallying to keep solar shining in Massachusetts!
Massachusetts legislators have less than a week left to decide whether the solar industry will be open for business and thriving across the Commonwealth in 2016, or whether they will need to take the year off. To keep solar, and the 12,000 Bay Staters in the industry, building legislators must raise caps on one of our state’s most successful solar programs, net metering. We need to tell our legislators: don’t let the sun set on Massachusetts solar!
Environment Massachusetts, Vote Solar and many others are working together to bring solar leaders, employees, customers and activists together on Monday, November 16th to rally in front of the State House and deliver that message in no uncertain terms.
When: Monday, November 16th rally at 10:30am, heading into the State House at 11:00am.
Where: The front steps of the State House in Boston, on Beacon St.
Who: You, your co-workers, you family and your friends.
What to bring: Dress up in your solar uniform, bring a sign or just bring yourself – we will supply the rest!
What then:
After the rally, we will visit Speaker DeLeo’s office with thousands of petitions and letters from Bay Staters. We will provide materials and talking points for you to go into the State House and track down your Representative and Senator, so you can tell them in person what you think of solar.