Two weeks ago we caught wind that Central Hudson Gas & Electric (CHG&E) in upstate New York had surpassed its net metering program cap of 12 MW and chose to suspend any new applications. To the dismay of many, particularly local solar installers operating in the Hudson Valley, this program suspension came as a bit of a surprise.
Local solar installer, Hudson Valley Clean Energy, quickly filed a petition with the NY Public Service Commission requesting both an increase to the utility’s net metering program cap and for the Commission to urge CHG&E to continue accepting applications.
Along with our friends at the Alliance for Clean Energy NY (ACE NY), the Solar Energy Industries Association and others, we filed comments in support of the petition (see here), and are happy to report that these efforts have been met with success. Hat tip to ACE NY for their on the ground engagement on this issue.
CHG&E has informed renewable energy installers that it will extend its net metering program while the Commission evaluates the petition to raise its program cap and issues a formal decision. We will continue working with our partners to ensure that the Commission acts favorably while also considering net metering programs throughout the state.
With New York’s solar industry growing each day, these net metering programs will remain a fundamental pillar to instill confidence in the solar industry and customers alike. And with increased solar deployment under the Governor’s NY Sun Program, it will be essential to ensure that New York’s policies are working in concert, both now and in the future.